
A Guide to Daily Care of Dogs

About Me

A Guide to Daily Care of Dogs

I was never a pet person. In fact, I would cringe when I would see people hugging and kissing their pets. Despite everyone knowing I did not like pets, my brother gave me a puppy for my birthday. I had no clue about how to take care of it. I even thought about giving him away. Before I realized it though, he had grown on me. I found myself telling people that he was not the average dog, but a super dog instead. So, I decided to create a blog for non-dog lovers like me who find themselves owning and loving a dog.

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Effective Training For A Safe And Healthy Pitbull

Pitbulls have an undeserved reputation for being one of the most aggressive and dangerous dogs in the world. While many people believe that living with a pitbull is a recipe for disaster, nothing could be farther from the truth. In fact, the pitbull often tests higher on temperament tests than many common family dogs, including beagles and golden retrievers.

Just like with any dog, however, proper training is required in blue pitbulls for sale to maximize the health and safety of your pitbull. Through proper training, you can be certain that your companion will understand their role in the house and obey your commands when required.

Different Training Philosophies

As with human learning models, dog training has a wide variance in methods that people practice. To understand the basic principles behind these models, it's useful to understand the three basic categories of training approaches. These categories are:

  • Aversive Training--This is an approach when something that the dog doesn't like is applied at specific times to mold behavior. The aversive element can be applied when an unwanted behavior is present, or applied constantly and removed when a wanted behavior emerges.
  • Rewards Training--The opposite of aversive training, rewards training grants the dog a treat or desired outcome at opportune moments. Again, this can be something that is removed when unwanted behaviors show up, or added when good behaviors are demonstrated.
  • Balanced Training--Sometimes, trainers blend both methods for maximum impact. A combination of rewards and aversive elements can often hasten a dog's learning curve for certain behaviors and outcomes.

Positive Vs. Negative Approaches

The words positive and negative have a specific connotation. However, in the world of dog training, positive and negative are not value judgements. Instead, positive training means that something is added to the dog's experience, while negative training involves removing an element.

By combining the notion of rewards and aversive elements with positive and negative strategies, trainers are left with four options--positive rewards, positive aversives, negative rewards, and negative aversives. All four of these options can be used with any dog.

The best choice for your pitbull is the one that allows them to learn the quickest. Since most behavior training increases the safety and happiness of your dog, quick learning is always the goal. As you learn what motivates your dog, you'll select the framework that will provide the fastest results.

What Does a Pitbull Need to Learn?

Training your pitbull will always improve their life and strengthen the bond between pet and owner. However, certain high-value skills will have a significant impact on the life of your dog. These skills should be taught early in their life and frequently revisited until they become habit. These skills include:

  • Recognizing their name--All commands that you give your dog begin with their name. The simplest way to train this is to carry treats with you at all times. Say your dog's name periodically, then reward when they turn their attention to you. 
  • Come--Again, treats are the preferred method for this, though clickers can also be used to great effect. After your dog responds to their name, call your dog to you by stating their name and firmly saying "come.' When they do, give them a treat.
  • Sit and stay--Once a dog learns to come, you can teach them how to sit and stay. Physically push them into a sitting position and say "stay." Correct them when they release. After a few seconds, command them to come and give them a treat.
  • Walking on a leash--Most dogs are trained to walk on an owner's right side. Even though this exposes them to the road, it keeps separation between the dog and other pedestrians. Practice during long walks with verbal corrections is often enough for this--though treats can help a resistant dog.
  • Greeting strangers--This is a very important skill. Dogs should be trained to sit and stay when someone enters your home. You'll need the cooperation of your guests for this. Place the dog in a sitting position, then have the guest treat the dog after commanding them to "come."

Pitbulls are fantastic family dogs with loving, gentle hearts. Training them in a few simple commands can ease everyone's apprehensions and help combat these dog's completely undeserved reputation.